Anne M. McClements Woodland Tract of the Fork Branch Nature Preserve

Of the 230 acres of forest in this tract, approximately 89% is older than 70 years. Forested wetland accounts for 43% of the forest in the tract. The majority of the upland forest is Mesic Coastal Plain Mixed Hardwood Forest.  This forest contains mature American Beech, Tulip Poplar, Loblolly Pine and various oaks and hickories.  Many of these trees were estimated to be at least 140 years of age in 1991. Scattered within this forest are four isolated stands of Coastal Plain Depression Swamp.  These forested wetlands are located in depressions ranging from 5.9 to 9.6 acres in size.  The depressions are seasonally flooded with ground water.  Swamp chestnut oak, black gum, red maple and sweetgum are dominant species commonly occurring in this community.  There are also several large examples of River Birch growing along Cahoon Branch just downstream from Kenton Road. Barred owls were heard calling and nesting at this site.