Ice Glen

The Ice Glen is a glacial ravine in the southeast area of Stockbridge, MA. The sides of the glen are covered with old-stand pine and hemlock. Its north-south orientation protects the glen from much direct sunlight, which in turn has protected the pines from inclement weather. Because of this the pines grow tall and go uncut, and many consider Ice Glen as the most accessible old-growth forest in the state. The crags and crannies of the moss-covered rocks are said to harbor ice and snow into the summer, hence its name “Ice Glen”. At the north end of the glen is a flat rock face with an inscription from the land’s donor, David Dudley Field. At the south end of the glen is reputedly the largest Eastern Hemlock in the state, towering some 132 feet tall, 10.2 feet in girth. It may even be the largest in New England.